Mass slaying trial site

is shifted


A de-

fense motion was granted yesterday to move the trial of Elmer Wayne Henley, a defendant in the Houston mass murder case, to San Antonio.

Judge William

District Hatten approved the change for Henley, 17, citing massive publicity here.

The judge denied the defense motion to suppress 11 oral and written statements Henley gave to police after his arrest and before he was represented by a lawyer three days later.

Henley, who is charged in six of the 27 deaths of teenage boys that occurred bere over a three-year period, is to be tried, probably this summer, in the death of Charles C. Cobble, 17.

Judge Hatten's ruling on the admissibility of statements means the defense will be unable to effectively contest a written incriminating statement by Henley, although it will be able to attack 10 oral ones.

Hatten excluded only one statement Henley made to officers an affidavit he gave Aug. 8 after his arrest for shooting to death Dean A. Corll, 33. That shooting was later ruled self-defense. Police say Corll headed a homosexual murder and torture group. They say Henley and David Owen Brooks, 18. procured youths for Corll. Brooks faces trial
